Media Coverage

Beatrice's Interview (Electronic Media)
AP Archive: Hong Kong's 'villain hitting' ritual draws crowds
TVB: <Big City Shop> What is Mindfulness?
TVB: <Big City Shop> Ways to destress for home office & home school
Pearl Magazine: A Minimal Solution / A Ticking Time Bomb
TVB Happy Old Buddies: How to Look After Grandchildren with ADHD
TVB Happy Old Buddies: How to Walk Pass the Pain in Losing Family Members
Pearl Magazine: A Taste Of Sweet Success / Finding Fortune
Apple Daily: Saying Goodbye to Stress - Working Hand in Hand
RTHK radio interview: Mindfulness
Thinking Psychologist: Mindfulness Meditation Explained

Beatrice's Interview/Article (Print Media)
HKEJ - Recovering from the Pain of Being Abandoned
HKEJ - Emotional Avoidance in Man
HKEJ - How Do You Want Your Children to Remember You?
HKEJ - A Guide to Emotions Regulation System
HKEJ - Let's Practice to Be Angry
HKEJ - Setting Healthy Boundaries
HKEJ - Walking with Cancer Survivors: Embracing and Navigating Our Emotions
HKEJ - A Clinical Psychologist’s Monologue
HKEJ - What is the safe distance with our emotions?
HKEJ - How to build a child's confidence?
HKEJ - What is healthy boundaries?
HKEJ - Too self-sacrifice parenting can be destructive
HKEJ - Exploration of Boundary and Intimacy in the Chinese Perspective (2)
HKEJ - A strong depressive patient
HKEJ - The consequences of Childhood Emotional Deprivation
HKEJ - Exploration of Boundary and Intimacy in the Chinese Perspective
HKEJ - Schema Therapy's Application and Cultural Relationship
HKEJ - The Costs of Anger Suppression
HKEJ - Establishment of Self-esteem (2)
HKEJ - Establishment of Self-esteem
HKEJ - The Core of Schema Therapy
HKEJ - Dissociative Identity Disorder (1)
HKEJ - Dissociative Identity Disorder (1)
HKEJ - A lady who hates naive women
HKEJ - Intergenerational Trauma
HKEJ - Using rumination to avoid anxiety
HKEJ - Consent and no expression of dissent
HKEJ - Culture and Family Relationship
HKEJ - ‘Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?’ Rumi.
HKEJ - A worm that lives only in summer has no knowledge of ice (2)
HKEJ - The Rise of Perfectionlism
HKEJ - A worm that lives only in summer has no knowledge of ice
HKEJ - What would I do without you ?
HKEJ - Borderline Personality Disorder (3)
HKEJ - Never says: Forget it !
HKEJ - How are we coping with insecurity ?
AP NEWS - Hong Kong's 'villain hitting' ritual draws crowds
HKEJ - Psychological view on Normality
HKEJ - Function of Self-sacrifice
HKEJ - Moving Forward with Fear
HKEJ - Insecure Social Relationship (2)
HKEJ - Insecure Social Relationship (1)
HKEJ - Prolonged Grief Disorder
HKEJ - How to set up a healthy boundary
HKEJ - Annoyance of Obsession Compulsive Disorder
HKEJ - Avoidant Personality Disorder
HKEJ - Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorder
HKEJ - The gains after depression
HKEJ - The challenge of being unemployed
HKEJ - Borderline Personality Disorder (2)
HKEJ - Emotional Inhibition Life
Headline Daily - Stop the anger (Practical skill)
HKEJ - Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Decathlon - Workout at home helps to release negative emotions during pandemic
HKEJ - Avoidant Personality Disorder
MIngPao - 3 years old girl separating from parents and staying in the hospital alone
HKEJ - Narcissistic Personality Disorder
HKEJ - Trauma is not what you think
HKEJ - Borderline Personality Disorder
HKEJ - What's behind the motherly love?
HKEJ - Anxiety is always with me
HKEJ - I have everything but not happiness
HKEJ - Sadness that is not fully acknowledged
HKEJ - Boy with ADHD and his self-image
Ming Pao - Taking care of the grief is better than forgetting
HKEJ - Is it the mum or the son who have trauma?
Ming Pao - How to comfort children who are going to immigrate
HKEJ - Unexpected Uncontrollable Eating Disorder
Apple Daily - Emotional Deprivation
Mindfulness as a Treatment for Cancer Patients
CancerCare: Why not show your vulnerability?
Healthyd: Mindfulness and Meditation
Apple Daily: Control Freak/Narcissistic personality disorder
Ming Weekly: About Sadness and Grief
Ming Pao: About Mindfulness
Ming Weekly: About Fortune Telling
Ming Weekly: About COVID-19 & Anxiety
Apple Daily Interview about Mindfulness
Bloomberg Businessweek: About Fortune telling and Mindfulness